Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Watch Your Mouth

We are entering that time of the liturgical year = from Christmas through   Easter = when our worship, traditions and relationships are more scripted than at other time. It can feel very very good to move into the familiar rejoicing, to retell the story that gives us such comfort.

Pull yourself back and freshen it all a bit. Make a point of using different language this year. Take the old verses and litanies and say them from your heart as if you were a new believer unfamiliar with any tried and true expression. Take comfort from Jesus coming....again...as a baby. Participate in Jesus being born again. Say it like you don't know what lies ahead. Be a shepherd not a priest. Be Mary, be Joseph not the angels in the sky who were in on the whole thing and even understood Glory in all it's hallelujahness.

That feeling one has when one dares to ride a new carnival ride should prevade us all. Remember not the Hope...remember the birth of days that are yet to be in delivered in a way that is going to radicalize your entire definition and prescription of and for living.

You're in charge. You can do it. A smile grows on my face with the Joy of imagining all of you in front of your congregations speaking as if in tongues because your being is embracing it all for the first time....again. Since we know all research shows that faith is caught not taught, think where you will lead your congregations in their own faith walk as they observe and absorb your example! Oh it's just a gift from God thinking about the possibilites. Give yourself that gift this advent.


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