Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Yesterday I was feeling particularly isolated and discouraged. It happens to the best of optimists and faith filled people yasure.  There are some things that are in place this holiday season that for whichever reason have left me wanting. I've felt like I was lacking and let down by the lack in others.

I know it will pass. That's the good news. That's resurrection power, for which I am thankful.

My Bible is right on the bed and I had been reading in Jeremiah 31/32 about restoration and taking it in my soul ever day is a time of restoration for us spiritual types, or ought to be. Otherwise we have to rely on the outer structure of service to maintain our frame and that makes us ingenuous. Nobody wants to be an ingenuous shepherd.

All of you are about to kick into hyper drive. Now this particular season of advent that follows so quickly on the second helpings of Thanksgiving is more about coordinating the lay celebration efforts: choir directors, children's ministers, deacons.  So the peacemaker and encourager side of  faith shepherding is the paramount drain. Unlike the other Lent...grand Lent...which is when we are setting the example This advent is about tell, and the big Lent is about show.

More than ever I encourage you to dig deep into the release of your heart to the Lord. Surrender to the incarnation. Make the telling of the birth come out of Thanksgiving for what God has done in your life.

Well...that is what Jesus mandated us to do right?  That's the good news. You can go to seminary and pass all your exams and get a position and still need Jesus. What we have to tell people is that no matter where , who , or what...we need Jesus, every hour.

That's why the first part of any good prayer is Thanksgiving. We remember what God has already done.

So...what got it right for me? What got me back on track?  I was cooking a meal to take to a woman I don't know whose son died about a month ago and is so grief stricken she can't go back to work yet, and while I was cooking I was praying for this couple who just experienced the death of a their second child. Let me make that more clear. They had two children. One died about ten years ago, the other died last week.

When I can't find the words to pray for a loss that big, I remember to thank God that my burden, that which is making me cry or cry out is not that....whatever it is.

People are looking to you for the example of walking in faith. As you enter this season that is so heavy on telling, remember to let your surrender show. It will shine like the stars in the heavens. That is your greatest gift; your ability to surrender.  I give thanks for your desire to surrender and pray it will increase.

Or at least that's what I told myself. And what words did I finally find to say as I dropped off the meal? My heart is with you. I fyou can say that genuinely to anyone who crosses your path, then you have been touched by God and can give thanks. And I did. And it was good.


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