Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Month of Faith

I have been, this past month, so aware of the schism between the concrete and the eternal world.

Walking by sight just seems so much more successful this side of heaven. And yet, walking by Faith just seems so much more meaningful.

Which do we go for: success or meaning? Well...go figure, it turns out meaning is where it's at. Success is a crap shoot in a journey where the substitute concept is called 'blessings'.

Walking by faith is so confusing though. I've developed this thing called , 'The Circle of Church Culture'. It's a graph that describes the possibilities of 'heavenly minded and externally defined' intersecting with how one reacts to life's realities. On the one side you can just kinda freeze. On the other side, you can fight or flee. It show the effect of love on all quadrants.

We are constantly in the cross hairs of life and love , the now and the not yet.--- or if it's your theological bent, the already happened and we're just catching up.

The point is to keep the consideration going. Keep things fluid. Ask the question and then when you have your answer, ask it again because the question remains.

We grow because we reconsider. That's what leads us to healing and wholeness.

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