Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Difference My Faith Makes

Fie on me for not being able to see it earlier. Why did I get things a different way? Why did I see things a different way?

Let's take brain science for instance. They all seem so surprised that babies are people, right from the start. Instead of confirmation, the researchers were seeming to just make assertions. Details about baby's gaze, reactions, engagement, all brought forth ooh's and aah's as if electricity had once again been discovered.

As with most epiphanies, I'm not sure how and why the catalytic reaction of past and present mixed such that a new realization with the proper label 'truth' afixed itself to the concept. But one such day, I came to understand...ahhh.... the brain science people do not come from the foundation of Psalm 139. They do not know, before they were born they were knitted together in their mother's womb. Somebody created them. What a difference to not be created.

Brain science people are starting from scratch.

Because of my faith I am not starting today from scratch. There is a relationship of Love that guides me into the day, through the day and will finish the day with me.

When I look at a person I know that person has depth and meaning and longevity.

In the same way, I have wondered why people within the church frequently classified statements or opinions or experiences I shared as 'too much'. The world would not categorize them that way. Then, by the parameters of the same epiphanal notion, I reckon they have used their faith to protect themselves from the world, from remembering what it is to forget they are Loved.

Somewhere in the middle, is the constant of faith's moving in, around , through, into , out of, and beyond daily life, the now and not yet, today and eternity.

My faith makes a difference because if I sit in the middle of it, I can be in the time zone where God can truly teach me, use me, and connect with me, without 'me' getting in the way. I can experience God in ways of surrender and response and obedience that expand, grow, nurture and prune all the way that is most a blessing in the most expansive way.

Way too much for many. Next point, maybe...how does one increase the ability to receive God?

Ponder that.....

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