Saturday, March 22, 2014

Decisive Faith

When I look at the entry records of my blogpost, it seems hard to believe that it's been almost three months.
Change...again! Arghhh... This time only the process of emptying two storage units into the place where I already reside. Only unpacking this time, not packing.

So...maybe your life isn't running the way you want it too. It's such a process.

But I have stood apart from myself and been amazed that, once again, I have chosen to believe God has good in store for me. Faith.  I have, once again, decided to have faith.

What I have seen this time, is that the collection of small decisions to be faithful in small situations has collective aggregated to a large blessing. that's what scripture meant about 'who is faithful in the small will be trusted with the large'. It wasn't a test, it was an accumulation. A gathering of decisions to be faithful when all signs pointed to 'stupid'.

Go for it! Testable and measurable as they say in education circles.

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